DIVYA Yoga Studio is located in the heart of Zagreb, Kralja Držislava 14 where you can find the time to get in touch with your heart and soul. We will start with our regular schedule in September 2009. Until that time we offer organised group and private classes.
We are happy to announce that our new yoga studio will shine fully from September, after having dedicated extra time to select the best possible space for your yoga practice, which will meet all your needs.A spacious yoga studio, a male and female dressing room, with excellent room illumintation & sound isolation, and apart from the breathtaking and soothing ambience in the studio, it is the beautiful energy flow of people practicing yoga which plays the most important part in our studio.As a gift to you and a way of celebrating the opening of our studio, we invite you to enjoy our open week, in which you are welcome to take an unlimited number of free yoga classes. We look forward to our new beginning and welcome you with great joy to our new yoga studio- the yoga oasis in Zagreb. More info at http://www.yogazagreb.com/